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Latest Impressions

  • There's promise, but...

    By missmopar05
    I love a good fantasy tale, and this series has the beginnings of a good one, but they are rushed and HORRIBLY edited. If wretched grammar and spelling can ruin a book for you, don't read these books. Plus, the author repeats themes and phrases to death. If I read, "She/he could feel the power of her/his father rising up in her/him," one more time, I'm going to lose my mind. Someone should have spent a little more time and money on a GOOD editor, if one was sought at all. Missing words, bad grammar, bad punctuation, incorrect use of words...they all detract so horribly from the story that it makes this whole series a cringe-worthy read and overshadow the truly great and original ideas that this author has.
  • A Fate of Dragons #3 Book

    By Proctorasshole
    Epic reading. The author must have knowledge of physiology or sociology since the analytical personality of each character is finely defined to make the reader see not just the character but inside the mind of each one. Loved the plots, heroes and maidens revolving around the royal court.
  • Another great read in this series

    By Ohyeahfun
    This third book of the series is as great as the first two. Lots of action and interesting characters.
  • Awesome book

    By Dasol1210
    This book is one of the best series I ever read. It has detail and full of unexpected twists and it always makes the reader want to read more. Morgan Rice is an awesome author and is very creative.
  • God awful

    By Match132416736
    So... The only reason I haven't smashed my eReader through the floor in a futile attempt to send this series straight to hell is because I did not use my own money to buy it but rather the left overs of an iTunes gift card. I've read several reviews for this series since I've started and many people who give it a rating of 3 or higher claim that it is a great young adult read. As I have been an avid reader for as long as I can remember I can say with firm and resolute conviction that if I had read this fetid steaming dump that someone crammed between a dust jacket as a young adult I'd be as offended as I am now. Just to list a few of the many issues with this series: horrid dialogue, shallow characters, inane plot progression, lack of details, poor pacing and just one after another unrealistic nonsensical character reaction. I've tried repeatedly to find anything good to say about this series but even though at first I thought there was some slim sliver of a decent concept buried deep down here the authors complete lack of technical skill completely destroys any glimmer of hope. I barely managed to force my way through the first 3 books (that came as a bundle) and can't not understand how anyone has managed to read the entire series or how this even became published in the first place.
  • Better & better

    By Streetspirit3
    Hasn't let go & only makes me want more
  • Amazing!!

    By dpsuki
    Morgan has a great way of writing! I love her style! The story moves at a great clip and lets the reader have an imagination while still giving us a great amount of detail!
  • Getting Worse

    By Achy Maple
    I really enjoyed book one but this series has been getting steadily worse. I am not one to dismiss something just because of its classification. For instance just because something is categorized as youth fiction doesn't mean I personally can't be entertained by it. However this book in particular was simply too dumbed down for my entertainment. The story seems likes its being deliberately stretched and where sometimes Ms. Rice's writing is pleasant (never wonderful, but there is a difference between a good writer and a good storyteller and she has the potential to be a good storyteller) at other times it is downright execrable, like a cheap wine. "They kissed again, for a long time." (Chapter 27)
  • Great Series

    By FantasyBookFan
    Great continuation of the story, leaves you wanting more!
  • Amazing series

    By Rico0357
    Best series ever made keep making more books!