Ceres meets offensive near-death challenges and runs toward a chance in life, to ultimately wield a sword against a contender in the Stade.
I got it for free
By Cstict
Wow! This sucked me in from the beginning and I can’t wait to read more. I don’t buy books because I would be broke so I’ll be looking for the rest of the series at the library.
The only part I didn’t really like was how fast the main character and Thanos fell in love. That was unrealistic and there wasn’t enough there to make me feel it was love at first sight.
Bad Writing
By Lainie9999
I knew that I would not be reading the rest of the series when the author wrote that a shriek “tumbled“ from a man’s lips. Why would you ever describe a shriek as 'tumbling' from someone’s lips?
By Tdelight78
It was similar to previous book series I read. Didn’t want to finish to series this time.
Slave warrior queen
By zeusboo
Another great story by M Rice. Well written with great characters and plot.
Slave, Warrior, Queen
By Yankeebabe0728
Awesome, well told tale of love & loss, victory & defeat, triumphs & tragedies. Highly recommend by all means give this one a try you may just find your new favorite author.
Life is never dull
By Leaper1
A story of love of family, friends and country. What is right and good?
Not my favorite
By jessmarie1591
This book did not take you on a journey. It simply told you what happened and then moved on to the next thing. The characters were unrealistic and the extreme cruelty of the world was unbelievable, as in I just didn’t buy it. The bones of a good story were there, it just didn’t do it for me.