Set in the enchanting land of Sang, a Blud series urban fantasy short story by the winner of Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Steampunk, Delilah S. Dawson, from the thrilling Carniepunk anthology.
The question isn’t whether Charlie Dregs has met Lydia, a Sang riff on Lydia the Tattooed Lady, but rather whether the woman has even met herself. Enter the mysterious steampunk world of Sang, and prepare to be amazed.
Tags in Fantasy : Carniepunk: The Three Lives of Lydia Delilah S Dawson ebook , Carniepunk: The Three Lives of Lydia Delilah S Dawson epub , Carniepunk: The Three Lives of Lydia Delilah S Dawson AUDIOBOOK , Carniepunk: The Three Lives of Lydia by Delilah S Dawson ePub (.epub) , Carniepunk: The Three Lives of Lydia book review , Fantasy