Seventeen fantasies by one of the field's most prolific short story authors, including tales of...mad gods, specters returning from the beyond, inexplicable enigmas from outer space, a romantic and surreal interlude of the legendary madman, Tom O'Bedlam, time travel to allow an irate professor to settle the Shakespearean authorship controversy, and the King Arthur legend--plus genuinely frightening horror, including the celebrated story, "The Dead Kid." Mike Ashley calls the author "today's supreme stylist" of fantasy, and Tanith Lee says that "Schweitzer is a story-teller, by whose smoky fire one may sit spellbound." First-rate stories of the fantastic by a World Fantasy Award winner!
Tags in Fantasy Short Stories : The Emperor of the Ancient Word and Other Fantastic Stories Darrell Schweitzer ebook , The Emperor of the Ancient Word and Other Fantastic Stories Darrell Schweitzer epub , The Emperor of the Ancient Word and Other Fantastic Stories Darrell Schweitzer AUDIOBOOK , The Emperor of the Ancient Word and Other Fantastic Stories by Darrell Schweitzer ePub (.epub) , The Emperor of the Ancient Word and Other Fantastic Stories book review , Fantasy Short Stories