In this eBook, Dr. Patrick J. Cohn of Peak Performance Sports, unveils the top mental errors golfers make. Learn what the top errors are and learn how to overcome them in your own golf game. Improve your golf score with some of the great tips and tricks Dr. Cohn provides in this eBook. Dr. Patrick Cohn is the author of The Mental Game of Golf, The Mental Are of Putting, Going Low, and Peak Performance Golf. He's also the author of Golfer's Mental Edge CD program.
Tags in Golf : Golf Mental Game: Top Mental Errors Golfers Make Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D. ebook , Golf Mental Game: Top Mental Errors Golfers Make Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D. epub , Golf Mental Game: Top Mental Errors Golfers Make Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D. AUDIOBOOK , Golf Mental Game: Top Mental Errors Golfers Make by Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D. ePub (.epub) , Golf Mental Game: Top Mental Errors Golfers Make book review , Golf