Seven Authors with three stories each, hence the Triple Feature—presenting 21 exciting stories of classic Science Fiction. Three stories from Science Fiction Grand Master, Isaac Asimov, including “Living Space”. Three tales by fellow SF Grand Master Poul Anderson including “The Temple of Earth”. Donald E. Westlake, primarily known as a mystery writer, is represented with three stories of his own including “Meteor Strike”. Fritz Leiber has three tales that include “Hatchery of Dreams” (another SF Grand Master). Also present in this anthology are underrated writers Mack Reynolds, Frank Belknap Long and Robert F. Young.
You’ll want to get this book today if you love great storytelling. An awesome collection of stories from the 1950s and 60s.
Tags in Sci-Fi Short Stories : Science Fiction Triple Features Treasury Isaac Asimov, Poul Anderson, Donald E. Westlake, Robert F. Young, Frank Belknap Long, Fritz Leiber & Mack Reynolds ebook , Science Fiction Triple Features Treasury Isaac Asimov, Poul Anderson, Donald E. Westlake, Robert F. Young, Frank Belknap Long, Fritz Leiber & Mack Reynolds epub , Science Fiction Triple Features Treasury Isaac Asimov, Poul Anderson, Donald E. Westlake, Robert F. Young, Frank Belknap Long, Fritz Leiber & Mack Reynolds AUDIOBOOK , Science Fiction Triple Features Treasury by Isaac Asimov, Poul Anderson, Donald E. Westlake, Robert F. Young, Frank Belknap Long, Fritz Leiber & Mack Reynolds ePub (.epub) , Science Fiction Triple Features Treasury book review , Sci-Fi Short Stories