Now updated for Smashwords formatting and external links--the ebook formatting manual that’s produced a hundred polished winners on sales sites around the world!
So you’ve published your book, manual, or short story, using the Kindle Direct Upload system. It’s wonderful, isn’t it? It’s one of the greatest, no-cost, direct-to-market enablers ever created. Kindle Direct allows writers to bypass agents, editors, and publishing companies, and place their literary masterpieces straight in front of readers.
It also suffers from formatting errors. You upload your book or story and find extra returns, indents in the wrong places, too-large or nonexistent indents, et cetera, et cetera. You’re grateful that has created Kindle Direct. But you really wish they’d fix this.
Or maybe you’re scared to try Kindle Direct. Maybe a friend has uploaded a book and you’re appalled at its appearance (even if you won’t say so to her face). Maybe you’ve bought an ebook and thought, “Ugh, wow, that could be me. NOT.” Then you price a professional e-typesetting job, and you’re back to being scared.
Any of that familiar? Then this manual is for you. Using two shareware programs, anyone with basic computer skills and the ability to follow simple directions can successfully format a word processing document for upload to and all those other ebook sales websites. As well, there are instructions for attaching the cover, inserting illustrations, and creating a table of contents. The system has been independently tested by other writers, so you know in advance it works. Best of all, except for the incredibly reasonable cost of this manual, plus any donations you decide to make to the shareware programs--the system is free.
Tags in Writing Reference : Format Your eBook the Free and Easy Way J. Gunnar Grey ebook , Format Your eBook the Free and Easy Way J. Gunnar Grey epub , Format Your eBook the Free and Easy Way J. Gunnar Grey AUDIOBOOK , Format Your eBook the Free and Easy Way by J. Gunnar Grey ePub (.epub) , Format Your eBook the Free and Easy Way book review , Writing Reference