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Latest Impressions

  • Change my view in life

    By Chèvcess
    I’ve been trying to understand the law of attraction for sometime and this book definitely give me the best understanding of it. I can finally go on my journey without looking back 😊 I’m so grateful I found this book.
  • If you deal with anxiety or feeling anxious.

    By SgEyeS
    Very Enlightening.
  • Must read

    By RobCast253
    Incredible book with beautiful lessons and actions to take!
  • Great book !

    By lowensby97
  • Law of attraction

    By E19u
    greatt choice
  • LOA followers

    By Breadwinnerr_fly
    Life changing book. Great read.
  • Good

    By Mideymoore
    The best
  • Wow

    By Ya_Boii_Nolan
    Great book
  • Astonishing!

    By Aford2435
    I can’t begin to express how this book has put me in a state of mind to release any fear, worry, doubt, and any negative based thoughts! I will put the things I’ve learned into practice and most assuredly live the life I’ve dreamed of in abundance while also spreading the message to my loved ones and those who I come in contact with! Thank you!! 🥹🥹🥹
  • Law of Attraxtion

    By Rj4real
    This is a great handbook! I absolutely love the simplicity of his teachings. The only thing that bothered me was the made-up contractions “you’ve and we’ve “ and beginning a sentence with &. I would have given a 5 star if those weren’t present throughout the book. There were a few areas that was not proofread and two sentences were mushed together. If you can get passed that and read the entire book - you’ll have a better understanding of the Law of Attraction and how to manifest what you desire! Rochelle