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English: Cognates: Fast Track Learning for Spanish Speakers: Learn What You Already Know Identifying the 100 Most Frequent Similar Words in Both English and Spanish with 400 Phrase Examples. (Unabridged)
By Sarah Retter
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© 2017 Unitexto LLC
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English: Cognates: Fast Track Learning f
Sarah Retter
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More by Sarah Retter
Inglés: Aprendizaje de Verbos por Via Rapida: Los 100 verbos más usados en español con 3600 frases de ejemplo: Pasado. Presente. Futuro (Unabridged)
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Spanish: Verbs Fast Track Learning: The 100 Most Used Spanish Verbs with 3600 Phrase Examples: Past, Present and Future (Unabridged)
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Italy: Italian Travel Phrases for English Speakers: The Most Useful 1.000 Phrases to Get Around When Traveling in Italy (Unabridged)
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Spanish: Fast Track Learning with Root Words for English Speakers: Boost Your Spanish Vocabulary with Latin and Greek Roots! Learn One Root to Learn Many Words in Spanish. (Unabridged)
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English: Learning with Root Words: Earn One Latin-Greek Root to Learn Many Words. Boost Your English Vocabulary with Latin and Greek Roots! (Unabridged)
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Costa Rica: Spanish Travel Phrases for English Speaking Travelers (Unabridged)
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German: Fast Track Learning from Phrasal Verbs: The 100 Most Used English Phrasal Verbs with 600 Phrase Examples (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Spanish: Adjectives Fast Track Learning: The 100 Most Used Spanish Adjectives with 800 Phrase Examples (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Spanish: Travel Phrases for English Speakers: The Most Useful 1,000 Phrases to Get Around When Travelling in Spanish Speaking Countries (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Ingles: Aprendizaje de Adverbios por Via Rapida [English: Learning Adverbs the Fast Way]: Los 100 Adverbios Más Usados en Español con 600 Frases de Ejemplo [The 100 Most Used Adverbs in Spanish with 600 Phrase Examples] (Unabridged)
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French: Verbs Fast Track Learning: The 100 Most Used French Verbs with 3600 Phrase Examples: Past, Present and Future (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Inglés: Aprendizaje de adjetivos por via rapida [English: Learning Adjectives Fast]: Los 100 adjetivos más usados en inglés con 800 frases de ejemplo [The 100 Most Used Adjectives in English with 800 Example Phrases] (Unabridged)
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France: French Travel Phrases for English Speaking Travelers (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Italian: Adverbs Fast Track Learning: The 100 Most Used Italian Adverbs with 600 Phrase Examples (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Spanish Travel Phrase Book: All the Spanish You Need to Get What You Need (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter & Spanish Dictionary
German: Verbs Fast Track Learning: The 100 Most Used German Verbs with 3600 Phrase Examples: Past, Present and Future (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Español: Aprendizaje de Verbos por Via Rapida para Anglo Parlantes: Los 100 verbos mas usados en español con 3600 frases de ejemplo: Pasado. Presente. Futuro. (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Spanish: Fast Track Learning from Phrasal Verbs (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
English: Verbs Fast Track Learning for Spanish Speakers: The 100 Most Used English Verbs with 3600 Phrase Examples: Past, Present and Future (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Español: Cuentos románticos cortos para principiantes [Spanish: Short Romantic Stories for Beginners]: Aprenda español fácilmente con breves historias de amor. Niveles A1/A2. Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (Spanish Edition) (Unab
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English Verbs: Fast Track Learning: The 100 Most Used English Verbs with 1800 Phrase Examples: Past, Present and Future (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Español: Aprendizaje Con Palabras Raíz [Spanish: Learning with Root Words]: Incremente su vocabulario en español con las raíces griegas y latinas. Aprenda una raíz y aprenderá muchas palabras en español. (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Travel French: Fast Track Learning for English Speakers: The Most Used 100 Words You Need to Get Around When Traveling in French Speaking Countries (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Ingles: Aprendizaje Por vía Rápida Para Hispano Parlantes Con Palabras Similares: Aprenda Lo Que Ya Sabe Con Las 100 Palabras Similares MáS Frecuentes...Con 400 Frases De Ejemplo (Spanish Edition) (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Verbos Ingleses: Aprendizaje por Via Rapida [English Verbs: Fast Learning]: Los 100 Verbos en Inglés Más Utilizados con 1800 Frases De Ejemplo: Pasado, Presente, y Futuro [The 100 Most Used English Verbs with 1800 Sample Phrases: Past, Present, and Futu
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Spanish for Business: Fast Track Learning for English Speakers: The 100 Most Used English Business Words with 600 Phrase Examples (Unabridged)
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French: Fast Track Learning: The 1000 Most Used French Words with 3.000 Phrase Examples (Unabridged)
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Spanish: Fast Track Learning: The 1000 Most Used Spanish Words with 3.000 Phrase Examples (Unabridged)
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Spanish English: Bilingual Short Read with Quotations from Oscar Wilde: Parallel Text for Both English and Spanish Speaking Readers: Texto Paralelo para Lectores Anglo e Hispano Parlantes (Unabridged)
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ESPAÑOL: APRENDIZAJE RÁPIDO CON PALABRAS RAÍZ PARA ANGLO PARLANTES [Spanish: Rapid Learning with Root Words for English Speakers] (Unabridged)
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English: Phrasal Verbs Fast Track Learning for Spanish Speakers (Unabridged)
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Paris: French Travel Phrase Book for English Speakers (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
INGLES DE NEGOCIOS: APRENDIZAJE POR VIA RAPIDA PARA HISPANO PARLANTES: Las 100 más utilizadas palabras de inglés para negocios con 600 frases de ejemplo (Unabridged)
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Spanish: Adverbs Fast Track Learning: The100 Most Used Spanish Adverbs with 600 Phrase Examples (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Français: Apprentissage Rapide des Adverbes pour Anglophones [French: Fast Learning of Adverbs for English Speakers]: Les 100 Adverbes Français les Plus Utilisés avec 600 Exemples de Phrases (Unabridged)
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Français: Apprentissage Accéléré des Verbes pour les Anglophones: Les 100 Verbes François les plus Utilisés avec 3600 Exemples de Phrase: Passé Composé, Présent et Futur (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
English: Cognates: Fast Track Learning for Spanish Speakers: Learn What You Already Know Identifying the 100 Most Frequent Similar Words in Both English and Spanish with 400 Phrase Examples. (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Deutsch: Verben Lernen Auf Der ÜBerholspur Für Englisch-Sprecher [German: Verb Learning in the Fast Lane for English Speakers] (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
French: Fast Track Learning from Phrasal Verbs: The 100 Most Used English Phrasal Verbs with 600 Phrase Examples (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
French Adjectives: Fast Track Learning: The 100 Most Used French Adjectives with 800 Phrase Examples (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
English: Verbs Fast Track Learning for Italian Speakers: The 100 Most Used English Verbs with 3600 Phrase Examples: Past, Present and Future (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Travel Portuguese: Fast Track Learning for English Speakers: The Most Used 100 Words You Need to Get Around When Traveling in Portuguese Speaking Countries (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
INGLES: APRENDIZAJE POR VIA RÁPIDA [ENGLISH: RAPID LEARNING]: Las 1,000 palabras en inglés más utilizadas con 3,000 frases ejemplo [The 1,000 Most Commonly Used English Words with 3,000 Example Sentences] (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
German: Cognates Fast Track Learning for English Speakers: Learn What You Already Know Identifying the 100 Most Frequent Similar Words in Both English and German with 400 Phrase Examples. (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
German: Fast Track Learning: The 1000 Most Used Words with 3000 Phrase Examples (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
German: Travel Phrases for English Speaking Travelers (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
French: Fun Learning with One Liner Jokes: If You Are an English Speaker, Improve Your French Skills with These Hot One Liner Jokes Translated Into French Line by Line (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
INGLES: APRENDIZAJE POR VIA RAPIDA DE VERBOS COMPUESTOS: Los 100 verbos compuestos ingleses más frecuentes con 600 frases de ejemplo (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
French: Adverbs Fast Track Learning: The 100 Most Used French Adverbs with 600 Phrase Examples (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter
Mexico: Spanish Travel Phrases for English Speaking Travelers (Unabridged)
Sarah Retter