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Book Synopsis

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Latest Impressions

  • 10/10

    By StayHigh35
    Series just gets better and better
  • So good I read it twice in a row

    By Raychon Cardona
    Enjoyable read
  • Loved it

    By avlahannah
    Very well written. Epic, tragic, unpredictable.
  • Jaw dropping.

    By abcdefg124577
    Best series i’ve actually ever read. Ever. Star wars meets gladiator meets GOT. Peirces technicality is seriously outstanding and should be an example in fantasy writing. This was my first science fiction fantasy and i’m never looking back. Pierces ability to write battle scenes leaves me breathless and with full body chills every-time. A wonderful “end” to the trilogy , however because I am late to the game I have peace in knowing there is a continuation with Iron Gold and Dark Age and so on. I have no doubt that the next books will be just as good because Pierce does not write bad material period. I have all the books in paperback yet while I was traveling I finished Golden Son and with no hesitation purchased the e-book on this app even though I FULLY already own them at home. I couldn’t physically restrain myself from continuing the story. Wonderfully brilliant. No notes!
  • A+ writing, B- storyline

    By toastnaut
    I got a little tired of this book around halfway through. Darrow still makes stupid gambles with plot-armor success. Then an uncalled for catastrophe knocks him flat. Then it all works out like the loss doesn’t mean anything. This cycle repeats over and over. It’s less rollercoaster and more being dragged over the rocks. When everything is finally going right, the ending is like falling off a wall. All the king’s horses and men couldn’t put the story together again, but Darrow triumphs artlessly. Then it all goes flat because poor, emotionally charred Darrow can’t have his cake and eat it too. However, this book (and the included preview of the fourth, Iron Gold) begs an interesting question: what do you do once you’ve destroyed a society? Even as he sacrifices everything for the cause, Darrow begins to doubt whether his course was wise. Gold was the chain that fettered the masses. It has been broken. Yes, the proletariat has his liberty now, but the iron sword of order that kept the planetary empire alive has been killed. Gold was the chain that anchored the worlds. Is it good to set all adrift in the name of independence? Were the Golds right when they said fighting the system would only cause harm to all Colors?
  • It’s a Trap!

    By Forsworn45
    Traps beget traps beget traps.
  • Finally

    By cclay1991
    Unlike in Red Rising and Golden Son, Pierce Brown finally strikes a perfect balance between his patented breakneck plot pace and softer beats that leave room for meaningful character development. A lot of people say Golden Son is their favorite, but in my opinion this is the best of the first trilogy by a significant margin. To put it simply, he stuck the landing.
  • Repetitive

    By bhikbmlp
    Well defined characters Repetitive themes
  • Best Series

    By lIsebbyIl
    6th time reading the first 3 books. Never gets old
  • Read it

    By Dmocz
    Somehow he kept the ball rolling all the way through book three. I’ve enjoyed some novels more but not three in a row