X and Other Stories - Yevgeny Zamyatin

X and Other Stories

By Yevgeny Zamyatin

  • Release Date: 2024-10-01
  • Genre: Classics

Book Synopsis

From the stark depictions of rural Russia in ‘Provincial Life’ to the vivid portrayal of an artillery unit in ‘At the End of the Earth’, from stories such as ‘The Cave’ and ‘Mamai’, describing the terrible conditions endured by the citizens of Petrograd in the years of the civil war, to ‘X’, a light-hearted, slightly absurdist example of metafiction, through to the sombre tones of the final story in this volume, ‘Flood’, this volume collects some of the best fiction by the celebrated author of We.<br><br>Presented in a brand-new translation by Hugh Aplin, these stories – some of them never translated before into English – show why Zamyatin’s oeuvre as a whole is worthy of greater recognition today, not just for the context it affords readers of his most famous novel, but also for the light it can shed on Russian literature, culture and society of its time – as well as, most importantly, for its own intrinsic merit.<br><br>Stories: Provincial Life, At the End of the Earth, The Cave, Mamai, X, Flood<br><br>Alma Classics is committed to making available a wide range of literature from around the globe. Most of the titles are enriched by an extensive critical apparatus, notes and extra reading material, as well as a selection of photographs. The texts are based on the most authoritative edition and edited using a fresh, accessible editorial approach. With an emphasis on production, editorial and typographical values, Alma Classics aspires to revitalize the whole experience of reading classics.

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