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Latest Impressions

  • Finally……

    By Bob852201
    I’ve read every Pickett book in the series. Battle Mountain took me back to the early books when Box was on his game. Somewhere in the middle, Box got lost; but now he’s back. A good read!
  • Battle Mountain

    By Doug Reno
    Might be the best Joe Pickett yet.
  • Battle Mountain

    By Gre. Md
    Another good read from C.J. Box
  • Always

    By Mrunderhill12
    Sad to be done with another one by CJ Box. The best
  • Worth the wait!

    By L2dor
    It was so good! I tried to read slower to make it last longer, but I still finished it in a week! I loved it. Now, I can’t wait for the next Joe Pickett book!
  • Solid book

    By TigersJC86
    This book was pretty good but far from the best in the series. The mystery was wrapped pretty quickly. This book focuses more on Nate and his mission than it does Joe and I think it took away some of my interest. The book is also really short so it wasn’t as fulfilling as other books in the series.
  • Battle on Battle Mountain

    By cbnyyj
    Once again Mr “Box” has painted a landscape with the richness of his expressive words and phrasing. In just a few paragraphs you’re riding shotgun with a dog on your lap. The minutiae of a day ,the jumble and tumble , it’s all there. With Nate and Geronimo we were all speechless with angst and tears after the horrors bestowed in the Bears teeth dripping with blood in a cloud of gunfire blood spatter and the grim mindblowing loss Kestral and Nate. Having everything ripped away after such a solitary life ,then to find joy and adoring woman , then gone… we anguished for and with Nate. Concern for Kestrel and Marybeth returned to motherhood. It’s masterful in its complexity. Rich in alliteration, overwhelming hard to put down. With 3-4 storyline to track and a powerful concussion of a conclusion the Wyoming Game warden has finally got his man. Nate elevated peace on a cloud of revenge and returned to his former fatherhood. His now 8 sense has pair bonded him with his Peregrine. Too have a reward of calm waters is like finally falling into a deep sleep after a 1000 mile journey. Once again a powerful tale told by a skilled master of the region its beauty and phenomenal imagination.
  • Politics in Saddlestring

    By Pulmodoc05
    Love the Joe Picket stories, but I fear that C. J. Box may be a Trumper based on some of the undertones in this narrative. Joe Picket himself, in his “Dudley Do Right” mode, would hopefully stay out of the MAGA trap, especially after the recent Oval Office ambush of Zelenskyy! Nate, on the other hand, is such a loose cannon that I can’t be sure about him. I have to keep the faith that Sheridan, Marybeth, and Wyoming’s crazy Governor Rulon will inject enough ambiguity in C. J. Box’s writing for me to continue enjoying the stories without becoming depressed by underlying right wing (read “fascist”) politics.
  • Battle Mountain

    By birs's eye
    I preordered and couldn’t wait for it to come out, but am left empty and sad at Box’s characters which were little more than comic book sticks. If he wants history/ ok but story had way too many themes, shifting heroes and too many trees and scat.
  • Quick read!

    By ladevineii
    Very enjoyable book. I could not put it down! There is a predictable outcome, but still very enjoyable!!