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Latest Impressions

  • Mark R

    By Mr Subro
    Interesting behind the curtain look at how the sausage is made in Silicon Valley .
  • If Walls Could Talk…

    By BigAppleGreg
    I can only imagine the things Kara has heard that didn’t make it into this book! Asking all the right questions, pointed at those with oversized, extremely covert influence - shedding light on so much. Looking forward to a follow up!
  • Entertaining Reading🤓

    By Cali-Meow
    She tells it as it is! Kara paints vivid pictures and gives us insights to the minds & characters of the elites tech industry.
  • “Burn Book “ review

    By care 4 each other
    I loved this book, and I think even if you don’t follow tech (which I don’t ) or even use a lot of social media , you would find this book very interesting and amusing. The author has a great writing style that made this book a fun and easy read. I highly recommend reading this book.
  • Razor Sharp

    By JakeVanks
    Nobody writes about tech like Kara Swisher. Nobody sees things as clearly as Kara Swisher. She neither coddles or crushes her subjects. She stays laser focused on reality and that reveals what’s at the core of her subjects. I love taking the journey with her. I first logged on to AOL in 1998 and have been using tech since then. To get the curtain pulled back on the devices and services I have used by somebody that was at ground zero is fascinating. We peaked with the iPhone. We should’ve packed it up then.
  • Great Read - penetrating journey thru tech history

    By CharliePA
    Bottom line: for all the good intentions the early tech leaders had for their innovations, in the end, most (not all) turned to greed and their quest for power at all costs to the well being of their customers and communities.