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Latest Impressions

  • Could Not Stop

    By BigAppleGreg
    A minute - no - second by second accounting on how the world ends. Fantastic read and it’s easy to just keep going. Also, terrifying.
  • Amazing and Chilling Read

    By Farm man 2335567854
    This book is amazing! Although this is a hypothetical scenario, this book is also filled with an abundance of knowledge regarding nuclear warfare and advancements. It might seem like there is a good deal of filler, but I feel that it is needed to add some extra knowledge to the reader about what could and why things in the hypothetical are happening. I recommend this book to anyone interested in what a nuclear warfare might look like in present day.
  • Absolutely terrifying

    By Turtlebot69
    Read to induce an existential crisis
  • Every citizen should read this book

    By Ian Boock
    There are 2 existential threats to humanity. Global warming which will destroy civilization over about three hundred years; and nuclear war which will destroy civilization and life on earth as we know it over a period of about two hours. Both threats seem insurmountable, but both threats are our own doing. So what are you personally going to do about them? That’s what I asked myself after reading this book.
  • Meh

    By raoul duke400
    You could cut this book by 75 percent, and get the same result. It is way too repetitive. Didn’t read it for a couple days, picked it up again and thought I already read these pages. What will really happen during a nuclear war? Most Americans will forget the kids, start screwing, taking meth, drinking themselves into oblivion, snort coke, and shoot their neighbors.
  • Should be required reading

    By Rumar
    Brilliant. Current. Well researched. And, terrifying - we should be better!
  • Cold War Realities Reimagined for 2024

    By SonOfTheGriz
    This book brings back too many memories from a childhood lived in front line states during the climax of the Cold War at the height of public alarm conveyed through 1980s TV, cinema, and news. A time when we openly talked about Armageddon as a very real possibility. This particular scenario is not as far-fetched as some may think, and the reality of just how fast our world will slam into the bedrock of inevitability when our assumptions about detente, deterrence, and Mutually Assured Destruction fall apart. The people who KNOW what will happen know that the only true way to win is not to play… and they know that if someone f’s around, the only thing we find out is that it will all come to an end.
  • Excellent

    By jvs1966
    Terrifically well written and utterly terrifying.
  • Harrowing but important read

    By Efy s
    I don’t consider myself a risk taker, but this book makes me feel like we are all living in the edge. There are so many obstacles to nuclear disarmament, but it seems obvious that this should be the next major goal for the international community to tackle. This book is a page turner that every person should read.
  • A vision which hopefully won’t, but probably will happen

    By G'Dad12
    Very well written on a subject we think about but have no idea regarding the consequences of a miscalculation can have. All of our political leadership should read this book……then send copies to all world leaders!!