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Latest Impressions

  • Austrian Painter can write

    By josh1337848473
    But he still has no ball sack
  • Bring it back! 🇩🇪

    By Jack2109cairo
    My grandpa loved the author personally. Thank you, very cool.
  • 10/10, would recommend in schools

    By Volk und Rasse
    Kek, can't believe they're actually selling this
  • Great

    By Chapo1111111
    Best book ever
  • Great book

    By Asgdhkfe
    I loved this book. It taught me what was going through hitlers head while he was in prison and what he wanted to do for the world.
  • Intellectual dishonesty

    By gallandro1
    So please explain to me Apple, why I can't buy certain apps like Ultimate General: Gettysburg, or educational apps from the Store that display the Confederate battle flag (in proper context) on their cover/icon, but I can buy a book from this homicidal mass murderer whose work could theoretically influence some young mind? Didn't think that decision through did ya?
  • On a probably-never-to-read list...

    By algernon caruthers
    But I'm always happy to any current US president's name in a book review related to Hitler. Someone knocked on my door yesterday and I thought it was the government coming to take my weapons. It was just my neighbor. Her oven broke and asked to borrow mine to bake a cake.
  • best book ever

    By Conqueror of worlds
    hitler is awesome
  • Quite different

    By RomanRed
    Very difficult to read in a timely manner. Very different than what I'd been led to believe. Some of the ideas expressed can be seen in what our current dear leader,Obama, is attempting to do.
  • Need to read it

    By JFB310
    Then decide