My grandpa loved the author personally. Thank you, very cool.
10/10, would recommend in schools
By Volk und Rasse
Kek, can't believe they're actually selling this
By Chapo1111111
Best book ever
Great book
By Asgdhkfe
I loved this book. It taught me what was going through hitlers head while he was in prison and what he wanted to do for the world.
Intellectual dishonesty
By gallandro1
So please explain to me Apple, why I can't buy certain apps like Ultimate General: Gettysburg, or educational apps from the Store that display the Confederate battle flag (in proper context) on their cover/icon, but I can buy a book from this homicidal mass murderer whose work could theoretically influence some young mind?
Didn't think that decision through did ya?
On a probably-never-to-read list...
By algernon caruthers
But I'm always happy to any current US president's name in a book review related to Hitler. Someone knocked on my door yesterday and I thought it was the government coming to take my weapons. It was just my neighbor. Her oven broke and asked to borrow mine to bake a cake.
best book ever
By Conqueror of worlds
hitler is awesome
Quite different
By RomanRed
Very difficult to read in a timely manner. Very different than what I'd been led to believe. Some of the ideas expressed can be seen in what our current dear leader,Obama, is attempting to do.