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Latest Impressions
As a Muslim, This translation is a Lie. Insulting to True Muslims
By CS Student 1
I read the first Surah, and how can you say the jews and christians are astray, the real quran says in verse 3:3 the torah and gospel of jesus are books of God and includes the Sabians are believers as well, meaning jews and christians are believers and brought the original message BEFORE the quran PER the authentic quran. Thank God it cannot be changed in arabic. The translator of this book is is a lier, and defaming God’s words. Obviously is not a true muslim. Stick to Mustafa Khattab version, it’s the most literal if you’re looking for a good English translation. My grandma memorized the Quran in its original language, arabic, as we are Syrian background and muslim. She has said it’s all accurate what I read on 3:3 and that it is a continuation of the original message brought by Abraham (Jews), and Jesus (Christians). How can this book be made when Jesus is the most quoted prophet in the Quran and say they are astray. Anyone with common sense would know this book is a lie to inspire hate between brothers and sisters and with a connection to God would know. Don’t believe me, learn arabic and read the original which cannot be changed thank God.
I love this book
By Spanish Moor
I’m a Catholic of Spanish moor and Sephardic Jew heritage.... This is a beautiful book .. that has gave me a understanding of my heritage..
By Voracious Reader123
Although I am not a muslim, there are still wonderful insights in this. Actually, almost all religious texts have great insights, no matter your beliefs. And even if you don’t believe it, you should still respect those who do.
By Ahmed Sahel
Not an accurate translation. I read no further than the Fatiha, the most recited verse in prayer, and saw in brackets things that have no place in the Quran.
As Muslims we are to respect all faiths, just as we we want all faiths to respect us.
Holy Quran
By RumenAhmedRazu
I love Quran
Incitement for Hate
By Sawofhfnbdyskrljgrh
Incites for Hate and offensive because it contains personal opinions and understandings which are wrong and not mentioned in the real version of Quran.
By darkselwyn
The brackets are NECESSARY since there are words that don’t exist in English in the Arabic language, as well as CONTEXT and the TAFSIR which is referred to by other reviewers. This is an amazing and very accurate translation of the Quran. Good step in trying to understand the beliefs of the Islamic religion and the highlighting and notes feature in iBooks is great for if you have a question on a specific section so you can look into it later and not assume that it is the author’s opinion. Please. It’s called research. Do read this translation! Interpret it after without biases from other people and their religions.
Mash Allah
By abdul hamid3
Allah is the greatest
First Search Result Not Always The Best, Stars Not Always Indicative of Quality
By Odzareven
This was the first result I had when searching for a basic Qur'an. It also had 4 stars, as many as the first 4 or 5 other results from my search, but once I started reading, I was distracted by these very judgmental, racist comments in parentheses, and I wondered, "Is this REALLY what the Qur'an says?!" So, I looked for another one and was more careful about reading for a book description that touted accuracy and direct translation with a translator with relevant credentials.
Quran in englisch
By ahmad hakem
Thank you guys very much for your work to create it in englisch version on apple