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Book Synopsis

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Latest Impressions

  • Alright for free

    By seek up 1
  • Free

    By chatcat 76
    Sounds good
  • Indispensable para abrir la mente

    By Lupnat
    No tienes que estar de acuerdo con cada idea, pero muchas aunque no quieras te harán sentido. Una ayuda para librarte del poder de las creencias, del poder de los pensamientos intrusivos, librarte de tu propio yo sombra; este libro te recuerda que se puede vivir en armonía con ellos en el camino que tomemos hacia una vida de paz.
  • Um, no thanks.

    By ADS19832536
    I didn’t get far into this book until I stopped. Mostly because I’m a Christian and the author clearly doesn’t believe in God. I do not recommend this book.
  • Not for everyone

    By ajq1919
    It’s hard to get through as it just seems most of what is being said in this book is speculation and not fact based
  • Great read

    By Rj4real
    I truly loved the transparency of the writer and their struggles and how they were able to overcome them. There are some practical advice for you to overcome and break through your armor and live your best life!
  • Joe did not blow

    By Señor lhox
    Enjoyed his jail breaking thoughts, and writing style
  • Very insightful

    By anonomous Reader
    I was able to really interpret statements through the writers eyes. Very good read. And 🙏 thank you
  • Yo

    By Sabreyeet
    It’s lit
  • Fantastic !

    By jbluez2003
    Excellent read. Recommend this to anyone struggling to find and discover who they are and how to overcome! Fate works in mysterious ways. I am now a believer.