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Latest Impressions
Hit & Miss
By Ozcrome
I am amazed how King can publish something brilliant and something stupid in the same book. Some of the stories are good and some are pure garbage. Wait until it goes on sale!
By Reckia6
This short story collection was my introduction to Stephen King when I was a kid. I really loved the original cover, with the hand covered with eyes! The stories are all terrific. I still think this is his best short story collection. A must have for horror fans and Stephen King fans.
By archercpa
Nothing to see here, just keep moving along. No fear, no fright. Uninspired writing of stories with “surprise” endings that didn’t surprise. No prose or poetry, just flat narrative.Let’s face it, King is no Dean Koontz!
By pammaiam
One of the first book of short stories I read by Stephen King. I was in the 6th grade and ‘The Boogeyman’ scared me into some serious insomnia for quite some time.
The very best thing that Stephen King does is draw people into his stories. The characters - the reader loves the ones he wants us to love and loathe the ones who are bullies, mean, abusive drunks, people who are very unlikable. Even though they aren’t always evil. The evil is neither loathed nor loved. The evil is what the reader fears.
Terrifying collection from the King of Horror!
By ES the horror fan
This is one of only three short story collections I’ve read by Stephen King, along with Skeleton Crew and The Bazaar of Bad Dreams. I have also read Different Seasons and Four Past Midnight, but to me, those are collections of novellas, not short stories. This is one of the best horror story collections I’ve ever read! Every story is truly frightening! To me, the scariest stories include: Jerusalem’s Lot, Graveyard Shift, The Mangler, Gray Matter, I Am the Doorway, The Boogeyman, Strawberry Spring, Quitters, Inc., The Ledge, One for the Road, Battleground, Sometimes They Come Back, Children of the Corn, and The Man Who Loved Flowers. Thanks to The Green Mile and Hearts in Atlantis, I realize that not every Stephen King reader may be a horror fan, but for those who are, I highly, highly recommend this book!
Great collection.
By M L I R 13
I read this a while ago. Back in August I watched a 1997 film called the game. It reminded me of something I couldn’t put my finger on, but now after reading Night Shift a second time, I remember now. It reminded me of the short story Quitters Inc. which is One of the stories featured in this collection.
It changed my life
By Sexi karamel
I was 11 years old when I first read this book given to me by my 31 years old brother. It is from the completion of this book, I decided to become a writer. I wanted to read everything in site. Till this day, Stephen King remains one of my top 5 authors. His writing skills are like no other! Read this Book!
By Robby2626362272662
I read one story before I went to bed. What do you know? A Nightmare. This book will give you chills! Highly recommend you buy it!
A great book
By Jaysinlsavage
The stories in this book are all amazing, but Jerusalem's Lot! Is in my opinion one of the best short stories ever! A masterpiece in horror. I will never get those visions from that story out of my head, and it even drove me to become a writer myself. Stephen King is a legend in our time. We are blessed to have his imagination at our fingertips.
Great Stories
By Listening in Appleton
I love his ability to pull you in quickly. All these stories are great and fun to read