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Latest Impressions

  • Here because of Nagel

    By whazzcrackin'
    I thought ID was not scientific and had been debunked. Thomas Nagel recommended this book to me, and I’m glad he did (Nagel’s essay on moral luck was one of my favorite papers of all time as an undergraduate). I now realize I had totally bought into the rhetoric and didn’t take the arguments on their own merit. Meyer writes clearly, bringing together history, philosophy, science, and mathematics to make a case for the non-material. Even if you don’t agree with ID at all, you should still pick this book up, it makes some very interesting points and is certainly worth a read. Meyer is well read at a variety of topics yet is able to clearly synthesize ideas across disciplines. I can see why Nagel recommended it as his Book of the Year. Regardless of whether Meyer’s hypothesis is correct I count this book as a contribution to human knowledge, and will be recommending it to my friends as well.
  • Great Read

    By ATGraham
    This is the second book that I have read by Dr. Meyer. My first introduction was Darwin’s Doubt (which I also suggest). Though I am a layman in scientific research and work, I feel that this book can be grasped by most, if not all readers. Some parts are very dense, but the information given is highly useful. This will continue to be a reference book for me in my studies of ID theory and its applicability in defense of design in nature.
  • Amazing!

    By Tris I.
    With the likes of Dawkins, Kraus and all of the Neo-Darwinist Atheists using incredibly illogical and unscientific arguments, this work slams the door on blind random unguided processes with mutation and transfer yielding the required information necessary to create life. Krause's argument "from nothing comes something" is utterly fraudulent coming from someone who considers himself the consummate physicist and scientist. This book sets forth the single greatest argument for Mind in the beginning as the a priori to life. Bravo Stephen Myers!!! I truly believe This book finally gave Christopher Hitchens the "Hitch Slap" he's so long deserved, even if posthumously!!! Thank You Stephen. Craig - California August 2017
  • Signature in a Cell

    By Crmnctns
    This book is as good a survey of origin-of-life research as anyone can ask. It covers the ground comprehensively and quotes widely from prominent experts in the field. I noticed earlier that a number of reviewers attack the author, with no mention of the book's content. A sure sign of an ax to grind.
  • Science&Nature??

    By Nix1185
    This book should not be in the science and nature category it is philosophy at best, The ID movement is not driven by science based facts but hopes and dreams of those in philosophy such as Meyers who is not a scientist FYI but a failed professor and failed science philosopher.
  • Waste of time.

    By SINIK4L
    Enough said.
  • Well Worth the Effort

    By WISEMAN1996
    The book is over 500 pages long, but is never a chore to read. Meyer's prose is both intelligent and wonderfully tasteful as he examines, defends, an discusses some of the greatest arguments that the Intelligent Design movement has put forth to date. Readers will not be disappointed and will come away with a plethora of evidence and subjects for rational debate, as well a a fresh new look at the world. The book is worth every penny, and well worth your time. P.S. There is a defense of this book, in book form, available from The Discovery Institute's website. All you have to do is sign up for their mailing list, and download it in PDF format.
  • Worth the effort

    By paulmarx
    This book impresses as much for the extent to which the author goes to give coverage and credit to viewpoints he argues against, as it does for the rigor used in making his own case. Regardless of one's conclusions, there is a rich discussion of information theory and scientific reasoning. It would probably have five stars if it had been better edited; the distinction between "summarizing your points" and simply repeating oneself sometimes seems to get lost. Style points aside, it raises fascinating points any thinking person would benefit from evaluating.
  • Cogent Sanity

    By ntufnels
    Yes this book is a tome. However you will not be disappointed. Signature in the Cell is a profoundly written treatise on the science, history, and philosophy of the intelligent design argument It is also a scathing - but intellectually and scientifically accurate - critique of every known refutation of ID. Moreover, he adroitly explains and dismantles the reigning scientific theories and ideologically based alternatives to ID, showing that neither math, physics, biology, information theory, common sense, and in most cases the evidence gives any substantive basis for believing that Darwinian evolution is feasible. He doesn't come out and say it, but any intelligent reader will conclude that chance and mutation as viable mechanisms for the whole Darwinian project are not only falsifiable, but clearly erroneous. You can disagree with Meyer's conclusions but you can't say he is rehashing the same old arguments, trying to smuggle reeling into the discussion, or just a creationist trying to repackage those ideas. If you do you haven't read the book or are being intellectually dishonest.