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Latest Impressions

  • Beautiful

    By whyalexx
    Loved it so much ! Finished it in a day now on to the next 💞🧬
  • Touching

    By treyy3434
    Very touching poetry. Loved every bit of it.
  • cute

    By Oml.a
  • Enjoy

    By Cannolibaby
    I actually like reading this book of short poems
  • Pass

    By racham_1123
    I went back and forth between 1 or 2 stars, but ultimately decided I would be lying if I gave it 2. Let it be known that they aren't bad poems they just aren't the right poems for me. I made some notes during this collection but upon reflecting back on them I realized my notes were about how much I DISliked poems/style choices so it's going to be a pass for me. Examples include: 1.) "your lips lift, affirmations from them fall to my ear." Now, when it's written as a sentence all at once (Your lips lift, affirmations from them fall to my ear.) it doesn't bother me nearly as much. Sure, it's still a little off but it reads much more smoothly than the way it's actually stanza'ed. And, I don't know, I just prefer my sections to be smoother. When a stanza makes me stop or stumble and go back over it, my brain just does not connect it. 2.) The first section of “You Moved Me” has a lot of great reused words or phrasing. At first I didn't like it, but then I decided it was a creative take. But then I realized none of the other stanza's in the same poem carry that format so it just becomes annoying to me instead of something interesting. 3.) I want to know why “Permanence”uses the number 4 instead of the word "for". Is there an importance here that I don't know because I have very little backstory on this author prior to reading this collection? If there isn't, I absolutely loathe this writing choice. etc. I think the only poem I really liked was “The Romantics”, but maybe it was really just that first line that I liked, "the spring of our lives, & we were making promises in the fall." ...so yeah, poem highlighted does not make for a good rating for me. However, I did read to the end and it looks like this is a peculiar collection, as it seems people send the author their own feelings/stories and then Rogue turns those into their own specific poems. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this.🤔🤔 But, I suppose it might be insight into how these poems are supposed to actually work.
  • Wonderful!

    By Anon writer145
    I love this. The poems truly come from a place of feelings and are truly lovely to read. 20/10 would recommend.
  • Very good!! ❤️

    By 🤍✨Yes✨🤍
    This book is very good short but very good I read it within 20 minutes. But the book is sweet and also not it depends on the way you see it. But very good book do recommend 🫶🏻
  • I was moved by the words

    By Cat a nurse from Kentucky
    Excellent poetry! It made me feel things.
  • Okay Read

    By AZ4Me1
    Only some quotable quotes
  • Loved it

    By jakejones04
    Deep, intelligent poetry!