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Latest Impressions

  • Very descriptive, captivating read

    By OneLove5280
    It took awhile for the book to start, it is so descriptive, the world building for you to understand stand what is about to happen is just perfect. At first I was wondering where this book was going to go because I am not into fishing, but then it picks up and it holds you. You can smell the seat in the air once you’re there. I LOVED this book, it took my inter than average to read because of the style of writing, but it did not disappoint. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
  • A Fisherman’s Tale

    By jenkybaby
    Overall, I liked the book. A Multi-layered story that really played on the fisherman’s tale metaphor. I don’t remember reading a lot of books that really delved into grief and the loss of partnership from the male perspective, which was one of the overall themes of the book. I guess my main critique would be I would of liked a little more suspense and buildup to the actual horror and macabre scenes. That’s why I’m rating the book a four and not 5 stars. The first 100-150 pages of the book I’m rating a 5/5 because there’s still a lot of mystery. I like the historical aspect of the book though. Traveling back in time, multiple times, to make the present story richer and more engaging.
  • Unique

    By @dremilyduncan
    Every now and then I’ll stumble on to a book that I get suggested to me through a Reddit thread or some other such place that stops me in my tracks. This story (especially the story within the story) was incredible. Equal parts creative and unsettling in the best way. Great book will recommend to others!
  • Eerily fantastic

    By Gamecock2285
    This book was amazing! Highly recommend if you’re a fan of dark fantasy.