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Latest Impressions

  • So much better than ACOTAR!

    By Jordan Alicia
    This book is WAY better than the first in my opinion. There was more plot, action, slow-burn(and i’m not even a slow burn fan but the action made up for it). The first book seems like a filler book in comparison, besides the last 200 pages.
  • Slow to start

    By Kirathekid
    Probably liked it more than the first book once I got past halfway!
  • Gripping & Tantalizing

    By Aburton727
    This book takes you on a journey of love, self discovery, smut & adventure! My heart was on a rollercoaster ride & I loved every moment of it. I could not put it down.
  • Best one of the series so far!

    By CJ_Arnold
    The emotion behind each character and the character development was amazing! I really felt like I knew all of these characters like they were my friends. I was on the journey with every one of the dynamics and how they changed.
  • Entertaining

    By Catwoman1010
    This is not my normal genre, but it has helped me get some relaxation in my life.
  • Don’t buy the online book

    By Holliponitsy
    Buying this book is a glitch won’t let me read past pg 124 :/ - so maybe don’t buy on books app. Enjoying it so far, well written and a bit slower than what I anticipated the first book to be. From what I was told.. this one is a very slow start.
  • Great

    By ReidsSunshine
    Loved it
  • Disappointed

    By manny1854
    It felt like everything from book 1 did not matter. Some good characters developed in this book, but Tamlin was so horribly written and forgotten about.
  • Bombbbbb

    By Chrishna music lover
    Book 2 started with a bang. A total page turner I got angry when I couldn’t read it due to my work schedule.
  • Cauldron save us

    By Princess Chikis
    Sarah j mass really made me fall in love with these characters even better than acotar, love how it ended