Make Me Forget - Kennedy Fox

Make Me Forget

By Kennedy Fox

  • Release Date: 2017-11-02
  • Genre: New Adult Romance
4.5 Score: 4.5 (From 1,467 Ratings)

Book Synopsis

Never trust a man who answers the door wearing nothing more than a pair of low-cut jeans and a panty-melting smirk.

Being a romance novelist comes with its perks but when Ethan Rochester enters my life and interrupts my solo writing retreat, my world turns upside down.

I write about guys like him for a living—sexy and charming, yet reluctant to get into a serious relationship. His body’s the ultimate temptation, but his condescending personality makes him a notorious heartbreaker.

When we’re forced to be neighbors, he makes me forget my rules, and soon my upcoming deadline isn’t the only thing I’m dreading.

*Can be read as a complete stand-alone! Formally titled Falling for the Bad Boy. Content has not changed.*

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