Every moment is precious...
The world renowned chef...
In Ocean Sands recovering after a battle with cancer, William Blackwell's under strict orders to rest and heal. But William goes rogue on his first meeting with Stacy Frederick, a newly trained chef, who reignites William's passions. With a new lease on life and hope for the future, William wants to make the most of every minute.
A young widow who needs a fresh start...
Stacy Frederick isn't looking to fall in love again anytime soon. She tries to ignore the attention of William Blackwell, but the handsome celebrity chef has a way of coming to her rescue and making her laugh. Despite William's best intentions, Stacy is determined never to be hurt again.
When William faces a life-threatening problem, will Stacy have the courage to stand by him and take another chance on love?
Exquisite Sand is the fourth full-length contemporary romance in The Ocean Sands series. The books can be read in any order. The others in the series are:
1. Starlit Sand (A Rockstar Romance)
2. Golden Sand (A Billionaire Romance)
3. Midnight Sand (A Billionaire and Baby Romance)
4. Exquisite Sand (A Beach Romance)
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