Escape Club: Sabotage is a fast-paced, short adventure featuring characters from the Escape Club Heroes romantic suspense series.
Though running a nightclub is Grant Sullivan's second career, he can't shake the instincts that made him an excellent cop or the ingrained need to help the Philadelphia, PA community he calls home. When a band arrives at the Escape Club plagued by a multitude of small troubles, Grant and his team must determine if it's just a run of bad luck or deliberate sabotage.
Tags in Mystery Short Stories : Escape Club: Sabotage Regan Black ebook , Escape Club: Sabotage Regan Black epub , Escape Club: Sabotage Regan Black AUDIOBOOK , Escape Club: Sabotage by Regan Black ePub (.epub) , Escape Club: Sabotage book review , Mystery Short Stories