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Book Synopsis

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Latest Impressions

  • Pretty good

    By TigersJC86
    I thought the story (short as it is) was pretty good. The main character has humor and wit. There’s some fun action that’s expected in a sci-fi book. My only criticism is it’s really short and if I had paid the $11.99 I would’ve been dissatisfied
  • Best book in awhile

    By CieloAnna1
    If you like short, concise reads that focus on quippy humor, tough situations, and being in space - this is the book for you! I would recommend this to any and all readers.
  • Exceptional

    By cl bb
    Went from interesting and thought provoking to profound . I don’t typically go for sci fi / fantasy but I enjoyed, and recommend strongly, this one
  • Short but good

    By dmerc86
    Characters and plot moved along quickly. Definitely wanted more!
  • I didn’t want this to end

    By jlvanderslice
    Each page better than the last. A dip into a wonderful universe and I can’t wait to read more.
  • Great unusual book

    By ChambersAngie
    This was a great book, was fast moving, and very unusual to have a point of view from a robot. A very unusual, humorous, and very enjoyable book. I am looking forward to reading the sequel right away!
  • Be warned…

    By Brainjax
    As with many popular series right now, this series is written explicitly to prolong the book sales as much as possible. As of this writing, it goes on for 8 books, all of which are pretty short. After the third book I began to notice even the writing itself dragged on more than it needed to just for the sake of extending its own lifespan. And to be honest, I skimmed a lot of the finer details. They got pretty muddied up often and I just kind of….gritted my teeth thru them to get to the actual plot points. I couldn’t tell if the author was attempting to paint a detailed picture for the reader or just trying to satisfy some word count. Despite all that, it is a good series. I’m invested in the protagonist. Tho, the use of parenthetical story telling did eventually wear on me.
  • Definitely a favorite

    By CHA$E 1965
    Was a great read, I usually finish books over a few weeks but I finished this one in couple days.
  • Great book. Little short.

    By Draco2165
    I was genuinely surprised when I started getting into the book around page 100 and then realized I was more than halfway through. But the book was amazing.
  • Murderbot? More like AutisticBot! And I love it.

    By WardWesley
    I know the series is touted as if a bot was an adolescent going through growing pains. And maybe that was truly the author’s premise, but as an autistic person, I can say this reads more like if an autistic person was a bot. And I LOVE IT! Maybe minus the murdering bits, but in honesty in every book for the first time ever I am like “I can sooo relate to Murderbot.” Beyond a personal affinity for the main character, the series is just plain good. I cannot recommend the series enough, even the whole autistic connection ain’t your thang. It is just a great series with amazing relationship, none of which are sexual. Pure joy to read and to further read.