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Latest Impressions
Pretty good
By TigersJC86
I thought the story (short as it is) was pretty good. The main character has humor and wit. There’s some fun action that’s expected in a sci-fi book. My only criticism is it’s really short and if I had paid the $11.99 I would’ve been dissatisfied
Best book in awhile
By CieloAnna1
If you like short, concise reads that focus on quippy humor, tough situations, and being in space - this is the book for you! I would recommend this to any and all readers.
By cl bb
Went from interesting and thought provoking to profound . I don’t typically go for sci fi / fantasy but I enjoyed, and recommend strongly, this one
Short but good
By dmerc86
Characters and plot moved along quickly. Definitely wanted more!
I didn’t want this to end
By jlvanderslice
Each page better than the last. A dip into a wonderful universe and I can’t wait to read more.
Great unusual book
By ChambersAngie
This was a great book, was fast moving, and very unusual to have a point of view from a robot. A very unusual, humorous, and very enjoyable book. I am looking forward to reading the sequel right away!
Be warned…
By Brainjax
As with many popular series right now, this series is written explicitly to prolong the book sales as much as possible. As of this writing, it goes on for 8 books, all of which are pretty short. After the third book I began to notice even the writing itself dragged on more than it needed to just for the sake of extending its own lifespan.
And to be honest, I skimmed a lot of the finer details. They got pretty muddied up often and I just kind of….gritted my teeth thru them to get to the actual plot points. I couldn’t tell if the author was attempting to paint a detailed picture for the reader or just trying to satisfy some word count.
Despite all that, it is a good series. I’m invested in the protagonist. Tho, the use of parenthetical story telling did eventually wear on me.
Definitely a favorite
By CHA$E 1965
Was a great read, I usually finish books over a few weeks but I finished this one in couple days.
Great book. Little short.
By Draco2165
I was genuinely surprised when I started getting into the book around page 100 and then realized I was more than halfway through. But the book was amazing.
Murderbot? More like AutisticBot! And I love it.
By WardWesley
I know the series is touted as if a bot was an adolescent going through growing pains. And maybe that was truly the author’s premise, but as an autistic person, I can say this reads more like if an autistic person was a bot. And I LOVE IT! Maybe minus the murdering bits, but in honesty in every book for the first time ever I am like “I can sooo relate to Murderbot.”
Beyond a personal affinity for the main character, the series is just plain good. I cannot recommend the series enough, even the whole autistic connection ain’t your thang. It is just a great series with amazing relationship, none of which are sexual. Pure joy to read and to further read.