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Latest Impressions

  • Just read the Darrow and Lysander chapters

    By RIPinPepperOni
    The rest of the story can be inferred
  • Loved it

    By AcertainPirate
    Definitely worth a read
  • Amazing

    By cowVIII
  • I can’t put down this series

    By karan301
    Red Rising has re-inspired a love of reading in me.
  • Excellent read

    By NotYourAverageCowbell
    Ever since starting Red Rising I really haven’t been able to stop reading these. I feel the goods, and feel anger when other things happen. Haven’t read many things that make me actually feel emotions quite like this series. Well, onto the next!
  • Here we go again…

    By Ricthegoodguy
    Pierce Brown’s return to the Red Rising saga isn’t necessarily flawless, but his improvement as a writer is remarkable. The tension he develops is still there, surprisingly stronger than his earlier installments. We return to his world filled with new captivating and flawed characters, as well as many of our old heroes who must now build over the rubble that they created. The political themes tackled in the story may bore some, but their similarity with real world issues will have you wondering if there really is a path where mankind does not destroy itself? As a stand alone it may struggle, but as the next book in an already incredible series, can you really afford to look away? If you’ve read the original trilogy, you won’t be disappointed.
  • Game of Thrones + Star Wars = 🤯

    By JPKnowsBooks
    I’m not a reader. I don’t read. That all changed with the Red Rising Saga. I read the entire first trilogy in 3 weeks and just couldn’t stop. The breakneck pace, non-stop action, mature themes, characters and story, world building, political intrigue, brutal battles. I mean the list goes on and on. This book series has become my favorite of all time. I’m about 25% of the way through Iron Gold and loving it. Pierce Brown has cultivated such an incredible world with these books. So what are you waiting for ya bloodydamn pixie?! HAIL REPEAR!
  • Great book

    By Lucas 123543215
    Great book you start to root for the other team
  • Good book

    By Oddie Monsta
    Good book
  • Very poor

    By TheXaxis1999
    Bland writing